Leadership Training & Development Programmes

Time for action with new intentions focused on leadership and professional development

Leadership Development Programs create an opportunity for the leader to look at themselves, review their leadership vision and set new intentions.

Purpose of Leadership Development Programs

Leadership Development Programs (LDP’s) are effective interventions for those with managerial responsibilities to develop their leadership skills and effectively manage all aspects of leadership including change, resilience, decision making, communication across diverse groups and more. LDP’s are highly flexible and like all our coaching, are tailored to the individual or group; bespoke programmes can be drawn up according to the needs and specific priorities of the institution.

What do Leadership Development Programs offer?

LDP’s offer the chance for leaders to have genuine experience and apply different methods and models on typical issues. 

During time working on a LDP leaders can:

  •  Develop existing and potential awareness of their personal leadership understanding, 
  •  Use different leadership styles and management skills in managing work and relationships,

  • Gain resilience and the flexibility required by workplace environment while managing the dynamics of change and transformation processes within the system,

  • Strengthen a management approach that is aware of the relationship between business results and team satisfaction and loyalty,

  • Focus on methods for both personal and team members’ motivation,

  • Find and manage existing or potential talents in the system,

Some of the training provided within the framework of Leadership Development Programs implemented by institutions for leaders is listed below.

Leadership Integrating Communication and Motivation

This program explores different sources of communication and motivation, and addresses how to tackle conflict situations using a positive and diversity-managing stance. 

Leaders discover how to maintain the balance between business and people management. Together the coach and coachee look at issues of awareness of 

environmental conditions and external dynamics, as well as the impact of the coachee’s own internal dynamics. Instead: Participants develop an understanding of awareness regarding environmental conditions and external dynamics, as well as the impact of the their own internal dynamics. 

We develop approaches that offer different ways of looking at a problem, discovering fluid solutions and how to foster a spirit of cooperation within the working group. 

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Agile Leadership

In a world where change and transformation are accelerating day by day, Agile Leadership is a necessary attribute for today’s leader. 

So what is Agile Leadership? As it sounds, Agile Leadership skills are those that allow for a quick but considered response to projects and challenges. Leaders who understand the model of agile leadership know that it is not only powerful individually, but can also be fostered to incorporate itself into the team culture at large. 

Agile Leadership encourages all individuals to make skillful decisions for agile delivery on promises, and thus perform highly for customer confidence and engender a strong company reputation. 

This training offers a direct look at how to best perform with agile understanding to get the business results you desire. 


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Transformation Leadership

This programme is all about how we lead in today’s changing world, what is now termed the “VUCA world” (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity).

Organisations and teams are exposed to systemic transformation, and as they remold and adapt to new systems and processes, our leaders need to be able to navigate through smoothly.

On this programme we help you to define the personal leadership approach and expectations that come from these transformations.

Together we unpick motivation and how successful organisations develop action for a common purpose. We look at how differences and barriers can be used for positive effect on change and transformation within a company.

When an individual recognises their own transformation leadership potential, they can begin to determine the action steps that will get results within the system they work in.


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"If a movement is to have an impact, it must belong to all those who participate in it, not just those who lead it."

Simon Sinek

Managing Change and Diversity

When emerging needs and requirements come up, how do we respond? It might depend on many factors, including how we are feeling within ourselves.

Diversity is a huge topic area which would benefit from a greater amount of consideration. It is an area that without proper knowledge, carries risk of creating conflict and issues within an organisation.

Being prepared with knowledge of an awareness of diversity issues gives the individual confidence to practice their role knowing they are engaging with current issues and helps them to be aware of people’s individual unique circumstances and requirements.

This programme highlights the importance of creating space for diversity, difference and inclusion in our new world.

By the end of the course you will have a greater understanding of how your own leadership stance and skills can be developed in a way to increase inclusion and diversity.


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Managing and Retaining Talent

In an increasingly competitive environment, do we know what ‘talent’ really looks like? How can we look deeply to extract the multifarious skills and talents within our community?

On this course we demonstrate how to develop a management approach that can protect the discovery and continuity of talent within the system.

We also discuss the importance of creating a climate that will reveal the potential of an employee.

By acting with agility – that is taking existing learnings and applying them to a new situation, as well as thinking creatively – we can develop the skills that enable effective talent management within leadership.


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Feedback and Appreciation Practices for Managers

It has been consistently demonstrated that constructive feedback and appreciation has a demonstrable effect on the motivation of teams. In fact, it has been shown that feedback is not just a nice ‘optional extra’ but that it is in fact essential in keeping an organization functioning smoothly.

It comes from the basic underlying rule that humans need to feel validated. This applies to anyone, at any level. Without this communication between people we can fail to understand each other, and as a consequence, morale can suffer.

This course looks at the essential practice of how and when we need to apply feedback and appreciation and what effect it has on individuals involved. The course works with the basic premise that we all have differences in our life experiences, values and outlooks; and thus how to give constructive feedback while managing those differences.


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Coach-like Leadership (Coaching Approach in Leadership)

In this course we uncover the fundamental guidelines for how to demonstrate coach-like leadership practices, as a management skill.

We will discuss how to implement effective communication and how to enact effective delegation and feedback methods within different leadership approaches.

Participants will have the opportunity to practice basic coaching skills within the program and will experience how to use these skills in team and relationship management through methods and models.


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Mentoring Skills

For mentor groups within an organisation this course is specifically designed to help participants to acquire basic mentoring skills through theoretical sharing and practical applications.

On this course you will:
  • Acquire basic mentoring skills
  • Gain awareness of the mentoring process
  • Implement the steps of the mentoring process
  • Boost motivation to mobilise mentees in a structured mentoring process

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"Mentoring can be a powerful development experience for both mentor and mentee. Mentors have the opportunity to learn new things about their mentee, themselves and their organisation."

Lois J. Zachary

Unconscious Prejudices

An important subject to consider; our unconscious prejudices is an area many may never consider studying. In fact, the underlying sources of potential conflict and even effects of abuses of power (and bullying), nearly all stem from our unconscious prejudices.

This may not be an ‘easy’ subject for many; we offer a safe and non-judgemental space for this tricky life-journey work. We learn how to recognise our unconscious judgements and the source of these judgements. We then look at how we can strengthen a non-judgemental and inclusive understanding.

Ultimately we aim for a judgement-free culture; learners will practice clarifying their own personal priorities and action plans.

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Flexibility and Agility

Agility is an essential skill in the modern workplace. Agility is about having the flexible mindset needed to know what to prioritise, how to adapt, when using a different method might better serve you and how to best use the skills of those around you. To be a more agile leader you will be capable of seeing more options in front of you, and you’ll know how best to respond to those options.

With this training, the participant will be able to:

  • Choose the most facilitating way for themselves by managing their mind and emotions in changing conditions or challenging moments
  • Make decisions and take action by reviewing opportunities and obstacles in the most flexible and fastest way
  • Develop personal awareness of their leadership potential and prioritising their own choices in the most efficient way
  • Get prepared for complex events and situations by transforming their experiences into learning that will make their development continuous
    Discover and manage the self-dynamics that will make the motivation continuous

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Inclusive Leadership (Inclusion and Diversity in Leadership)

It is known that unfortunately we still do not have full representation for the full diversity of groups at leadership level. There is a lot of talk on the subject, but in reality traditional roles are still under-represented by minorities.

On this course we delve into the positives of making space for diversity, difference and inclusion in the workplace; what these skills can contribute to teams and organisations, but also conversely, what risks are associated with their absence.

Throughout the program, the focus will be on how leadership attitudes and skills can be developed to increase inclusion and diversity, and how this understanding can be encouraged within the team.

Finally we address how having knowledge and understanding of diversity can actually increase leadership impact.

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As well as training programmes designed to support personal and professional development of employees within an institution, we also offer a range of programmes for the training catalogs which are aimed more at individuals, tackling a range of personalised subjects.

These programmes are for all employees working within different areas and different levels within companies.

See below for more details:

Personal Motivation and Self-Management

On this course we help you to design an action plan that will mobilise your potential by defining your strengths, values and the thoughts that create obstacles, and focusing on your inner motivation.

We will look for the answers on how to manage the relationship between choices, potential and actions more effectively and how to maintain personal integrity despite all internal and external dynamics.

Throughout the program, we help you to develop skills and awareness to determine the priority steps that will make you feel strong, useful and effective, to make decisions and take action with confidence and courage.

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Coping with Uncertain Situations

This programme addresses the topic of uncertainty from a leader’s perspective; how best to lead when significant change or even crisis arise? What makes a good leader in an evolving situation? What do employees look for in a confident leader in uncertain times?

We examine successful leadership techniques whilst managing both internal and external obstacles, and how to strengthen skills and understanding that will negotiate times of change and extract positive outcomes.

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"The bird standing on the tree is not afraid of the branch breaking. Its trust is not in the tree, but in its own wings."

Henrik Ibsen

Determination and Action

This programme is all about recognising and managing the factors that facilitate decision-making. Most leaders will be aware that it is imperative that they understand how to take initiative, assume responsibility and develop an action-oriented approach.

So here we help you to clarify the priorities required by different business requirements, to define the steps that you need to take to get results and develop those skills and behaviors to take action.

We cover the ways in which internal dynamics can create mental or emotional obstacles in the decision-making process as well as external factors in relationship management.

So how can you increase your power in your area of responsibility? We look at how drawing up a road map will help you create a positive impact and deliver specific performance results. The results will have direct benefits on yourself, and the organisation as a whole.

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Adapting to Change Management

Here we focus on ‘change’ – what it means for us at a macro level, and the positives it can bring about.

Adapting to change is essential, rather than unconsciously or consciously resisting it. To skillfully work with change is what is needed within leadership and that includes learning to manage the internal and external obstacles encountered in the process.

As you begin to learn about Change Management you will develop the skills that will strengthen your understanding to facilitate change.

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Knowing Yourself and Managing Your Potential

Here you will design a ‘Potential Action Plan’. In the process you will recognise both strengths and values, as well as those thoughts that create obstacles.

We will look for answers on how to manage the relationship between choices, potential and actions more effectively.

Self-awareness and personal integrity are a major part of revealing your potential; we address these subjects whilst allowing space to address all the internal and external dynamics we frequently face.

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“Progress is not a destination; it is a continuous journey.”

Sir John Whitmore

Your creative mind in a changing world

The journey of learning and development is limitless, and the world is changing fast. Even the ‘best’ of us need a roadmap sometimes; together we are stronger.

…Every single elite athlete, musician or adventurer achieved their goals by opening their minds to the possibility of more. Every single time a new record is set, someone sets a new one – because our brains are designed to continue to learn, discover and creatively explore new horizons.

This mindset can quickly become ‘dulled’ and lose its momentum if we do not have the skills in place to work to our advantage. We weren’t taught this at school; it is a way of thinking that helps some people stand out as being strong leaders. However it is no particular ‘skill’ that some people have and others don’t; good leadership stems from a particular way of thinking and showing up in the world, and good leaders take many forms.

How can I help you?

Firstly, this is about you. Having worked with hundreds of people throughout my career, I understand that everyone has their own unique set of issues.

Through detailed reflective work together in 1:1 or group work, I help to guide leaders, teams and individuals to investigate new ways of thinking and communicating, and achieve real change and transformation by discovering their unique potential.

In Their Own Words

We have started a team coaching programme with Banu Parlar from Terra Coaching in March 2020. Euler Hermes then was in its 9th year in Turkey, posting substantial commercial growth and the team size had reached 65 employees. The Management Team was in agreement in terms of where wanted to go next, however we also felt that we needed to have the buy-in of our mid-level managers to achieve our vision and ensure all the managers see what is in it for them, face the challenges and manage the complexity for their teams. Banu was instrumental in designing a tailor-made team coaching programme for Euler Hermes Turkey, which involved pre-interviews with the Management Team, our mid-Managers and our employees. The programme itself consisted of 3 modules where our teams were involved to define their values, discuss the roadmap to achieve our vision, exchange their views and implement their learnings back in the workplace. It was wonderful to see how our managers taking full ownership of the programme, bringing specific and tangible examples of when, where how on trying something new or a challenge was put into practice and how they felt it went. Thanks to Banu and her team, our mid-managers were encouraged to have a growth mindset through real examples from our workplace, through reflection, and by designing action plans. At the end of the programme and since then, we have achieved very strong employee engagement and cohesion between all the departments in our company.

Özlem Özuner

Head of Operations & Finance E-Commerce | Allianz Trade UK

The coaching meetings with Banu were like staring into a big mirror for me. This mirror showed not only my outside but also my inside. In other words, I became aware of why I do or don't do what I do, and which values lie behind my behaviours. I think this realisation has added very important things to my leadership journey. While going further on the areas where I think I am strong, realising which values are actually working behind the scenes in the areas that I think need to be developed has given me the opportunity for rapid development. Having gone through the coaching process has made significant contributions to my personal development as well as to my relationships with my subordinates and superiors with whom I interact with a coaching perspective. I think that recognising people's values, learnedness, strengths and aspects that need to be developed brings very important advantages to move quickly to the shared goal.

Bilge Demirer

Deputy General Manager | Garanti BBVA Romania

Our paths crossed with Banu during the reorganisation of our Human Resources department. It was a very intense process in which we re-established the department on the one hand and renewed our business model on the other. In that busy agenda, we decided to work on teamwork, and when I look at it today, the experience makes me think: 'thank goodness'. In painful processes, it can take a long time for the team to coalesce, personal differences can sometimes create problems with assumptions and sometimes personal biases, and at this point, we benefited a lot from the work we did with Banu. We discussed the values and motivational tools of our team, accelerated cohesion with open communication, and discovered each other's emotional language. We are now enjoying being a team that runs to a common goal with its own style. Thank you Banu...

Burcu Yüksel Kocagöz

CHRO | Petrol Ofisi

We receive all kinds of feedback and comments in every period of life. Especially in business life, various personal trainings and methods are explained how to use this feedback, but it remains inconclusive because it is not specific to the person's own dynamics -Sui generis-. The coaching process we started with Banu was a journey towards myself in this respect. A journey that ends with awareness and success under her guidance and coaching. Thank you very much for her mastery and guidance.

Engin Emekli

Lead-Future Systems Engineering | Ford Otosan

Banu was like a friend who walked with me throughout my journey, as if she was a companion, matching her steps to mine. She helped me ask questions I didn't even know I was avoiding asking myself. She guided my mind to connect with my heart and intuition. I am grateful that Banu and I crossed paths at a time when I wanted to make changes in my life. With her unique approach that blends different models and disciplines from Gestalt to mindfulness, Banu has guided me to find the answers to many difficult questions that I face in order to transform myself for the better. In every session with Banu, I discovered, learnt and evolved. Now I have the courage to ask, experience and grow.

Gülçin Pınar Gall

Global Marketing Director | Danone

When I first met Banu, I didn't really know the value of an Executive Coach. Even though it was only 10 sessions, Banu gave me a different perspective on the difficulties in both my professional and personal life. With her help and guidance, I realized where I could improve myself and the skills I learned from Banu made me a more effective person. Banu was very effective in providing the right direction when I needed to make strategic decisions. She also helped me a lot in identifying skills that I did not know by using effective methods specific to the situation. She had an incredible impact on my understanding of the challenges I faced while understanding my role and how I was part of the solution. I highly recommend Banu as an Executive Coach. She's easy to communicate with, an attentive listener, incredibly effective at helping you identify what's important to you at the time, and has an innate ability to help you focus on what's most important to yourself and the Company as a whole.

Firdevs Mesudoğlu

Director, Human Resources | Milangaz

The coaching process I started through professional career life was a journey of discovery, development and transformation for me. At every stage, I turned back to myself a little more. I had the opportunity to evaluate myself objectively. I started to take more conscious steps with questioning and increasing awareness. I clarified my path and direction. I would like to thank Banu Parlar for shedding light on me in this adventure where I have learnt, gained, made sense of and found the opportunity to apply a lot both in my business life and in a personal sense.

Melis Ergür

Director, Human Resources | UNLU & CO

Together with Banu, we had 8 months of coaching sessions in 2018 with the guidance of the Human Resources department of my company. As a relatively less experienced manager, I aimed to make the work I managed, my team and myself more visible, to get up where my motivation fell, and most importantly, to gather strength for the next stages of my career with self-confidence. First of all, I must say that I felt very comfortable and safe during our sessions, which helped us to analyse the issues in depth and find solutions. At the end of our work, I can say that I was much more at peace with myself and I was able to take a more confident stance on issues in my field of interest and influence. As a matter of fact, immediately after the coaching process, I made a detailed strategy presentation about the business I managed to the entire senior management level and implemented my suggestions.

Özkemal Altun

Head of Home Entertainment | Arçelik

It was a pleasure meeting Banu and working with her on my coaching supervision needs. Having been out of coaching business for several years, I was unsure about where to start or how to bring my strengths to the table. As a supervisor, Banu put me at ease and was able to quickly and easily guide me in performing correct manoeuvring movements and building a much clearer path. She collaborated on my coaching journey to evaluate my unique skills, challenge my self-awareness, define my goals and restore my sense of purpose. I am incredibly grateful to her for her highly valuable supervision and sincerity. I highly recommend her coaching supervision to anyone.

Elif Tunay

Career Coach | IDA HR & Career Consultancy

I would not be exaggerating if I said that the coaching activities we did with Banu divided my managerial career into before and after! When I started, I thought that the process would mostly consist of theoretical content, but I was surprised and impressed when I encountered analyses and assignments aimed at improving my practices directly through my daily work. During the process, my awareness of the environment I was in and the values and potential I had increased considerably. As a result of our work, I believe that I have a much more holistic perspective on leadership. And I think the most important outcome of all this is to be able to determine the leadership style I want to achieve and to be able to demonstrate it in my managerial career.

İlker Özten

Director, Digital Channels & Business Development | UNLU & CO

"I’ve had two different experiences with Banu. First time in 2018, when she was my executive coach. Second time in 2021, when she was my supervisor, helping me find my way as a new coach. All these years, for me she is more than a coach or supervisor, she is more of a trusted friend and companion. Her coaching style is a combination of all models, which is kind of unique. Each and every session we had was extraordinary and gave me a lot of reflection to think about. Still, I remember all the keynotes and highlights and use them in real life. She is the one who gave me the inspiration to become a coach myself. In these words, there is no exaggeration about her technique or attitude, she deserves even more. I am very lucky our paths have crossed. she will have a significant place in my heart and soul. Thank you!"

Aysun Yavuzer

Senior HR Director | Trive Financial Holdings

We would like to thank my dear colleague Banu Parlar for the value she created with her knowledge, experience, technique, process management and professionalism in the Group Supervision activities she has repeatedly provided to our Academy of Executive Coaching graduates.

Gamze Bayraktaroğlu

EIA Master Coach | AoEC Partner Türkiye

If they ask me what coaching is, I would say walking side by side. Everything I realised about who I am, what I want, where I am, what works and what doesn't work is thanks to you. I still haven't forgotten those questions you asked me and I continue to ask myself from time to time. Thanks to you, I first met my saboteur and my strenghts. That long road you coached me on was very narrow at first, it opened and expanded with the realisations you created. Whenever things got complicated, I looked for you and you were always there. You both witnessed many changes in my life and accompanied me to stand up in those changes. Apart from our individual work, I have always learnt something from collaborating and working with you in many projects. When I changed companies, the Team Coaching, Executive Coaching, Feedback trainings we did together under your leadership were the gateway to change and transformation. Thanks to you, we had achieved what could not be done for years. As in every profession, rules and skills are learnt in coaching, but there is one thing that I think is innate and that makes the difference. Intuition... A talent that does not start the process but continues it outside the line, opening new doors for the client... I am grateful for this. In my own coaching adventure, I continue to progress in the light of what I have learnt from you. On the day I wrote this article, I completed another programme. As I see where I have progressed, my sense of gratitude towards you extends to infinity.

Neslihan Şahin

Talent Management Director | Alternatif Bank

In my work with Banu, I discovered many things about myself that I had not realised. I have created many changes in my life in my own favour with the development of awareness about my perspective on life and myself, the time I allocate to myself and the value I give to myself. I would like to thank Banu very much for her impact on me to open different paths in my own business field and to achieve more success in my business and I wholeheartedly recommend her.

Harika Pekinel

Workshop Leader | Breatwork

In 2006, I attended the most different elective training of my corporate life. I found myself in a different world with the training, ""Basic Coaching Skills"". Banu Parlar was the one who gave this training. At the same time, since she was the Human Resources Manager in the organisation we worked for, we experienced a training that we all benefited marginally as participants. While the beginning of the adventure was like this; we held ""Coaching Summit Meetings"" under the leadership of Banu in the organisation we worked for. Everyone progressed in their own way over the years... Years later, after completing the Accredited Executive Coaching Training, I was included in a supervision program. The best surprise of this programme was undoubtedly meeting Banu again. My achievements were very different from the supervision program which lasted a total of 5 meetings; - That a coach also needs coaching and that it is possible to be refreshed and refresh with supervision, - Coaching is a long road that spans the whole of our lives, - Each coach's path is full of different riches, - That as we listen and stay in the moment, we can be coaches who make a difference and make kilometres, - The most important thing was that coaching is a fundamental science that serves humanity. Thank you very much Banu, I hope to meet you in new ones...

Lale Budak

Branch Manager | Garanti Bankası

We worked with Banu during a strategy meeting to improve the coordination of Boyner HR and Sales team. When both teams wanted to take concrete steps but had some issues, we needed a facilitator like Banu to better understand both teams' concerns, goals and possible areas of opportunity. The facilitation had a very well structured from the beginning to the end. We had different types of work to have a concrete roadmap. Banu is particularly strong in using facilitation skills to make sure that every participant's voice is heard. The most powerful aspect of facilitation work is the way Banu combines coaching and facilitation skills. In the end we had a better communication channel, a detailed roadmap and we became a stronger, interconnected team. I highly recommend always doing a follow-up programme as Banu shares very useful insights to achieve all the goals at the end of the programme.

Esra Eseroğlu

Chief People and Culture Officer | Turknet

I had supervision from beloved Banu in 2022. The process we worked together gave me the opportunity to take a step back and look at my coaching from the outside with an impartial eye. Banu's supervision and the space she held and the contribution she provided made my coaching more fluent and lighter by mirroring me. In addition, the theoretical and technical support during the process was very supportive. I would like to thank her.

Müge Kekeç Garanti Bankası

In-House Coach | Garanti Bankası

Banu and I crossed paths during a project after I received my ACC title. It was very important for me to improve myself and create benefits for my customers. With her approach, she very easily and skilfully identified me and my bottlenecks. He helped me a lot in learning new tools, evaluating myself and seeing my development area. I am glad that our paths crossed and I am glad that she was a light in my absence. My self-confidence in coaching and the satisfaction of my clients have increased even more with Banu's support.

Beril Esendal


In all transformation stories, there is a turning point that divides the story into ""before"" and ""after"". I also see my ""Coaching"" journey with Mrs. Banu as a turning point in my business life, the effects of which are reflected throughout my life. During my journey with Mrs Banu, I learned the approach of ""Another leadership is possible"" by experiencing it myself. ""After learning that my state of 'being good enough' can be sufficient for happiness, I understood what it means to be in a state of 'being whole and complete,' planning my life as a whole, and expanding my 'acceptance' boundaries."" Through our work with her, I discovered that it is not possible to control everything in life, that ""perfectionism is the enemy of the good"" and that sometimes I can miss other joys of life while focusing on a single goal in life"". I learned all of these in such an enjoyable way that she allowed me to discover them for myself and incorporate them into my life without any judgment or dictation. Her words 'Take control of the steering wheel of your life and never let go under any circumstances' illuminated my path, and to the best of my ability, I decided to do what she always said: 'Reflect your light!'""...

Güler Ayyıldız

Intellectual Property Rights Director

As a result of oursessions with Mrs. Banu over a period of 6 months, she added a lot to me about Leadership and Management. She enlightened my path by showing me how I should look in the mirror and how I can eliminate the negativities in my reflection. I thank her very much for her contributions to me.

Cihangir Akarsu

Terminal Director

I am very happy to have worked with Banu in the coaching process. At its core, let me begin by saying that there are significant differences between the 'me' at the beginning of this process and the 'me' at the end. I believe that within every person, there are hidden talents, emotions, and intuitions. Hesitating to bring them to the surface and finding various excuses for ourselves is easy, and we often choose the easy path. Due to various imaginary reasons that do not actually exist in the external world, we may not be able to reveal the qualities and talents that make us who we are due to the self-imposed saboteurs we create. Someone else might give it a different name, but I call it 'The Wall.' During this process, I acquired important awareness to break down my walls and show the courage to say, 'I exist' in all areas of my life. While learning new things every day, I sometimes travelled towards my true self. At times, I also asked what my vision for the future is and what I have accomplished. Every moment of this process was precious to me. Thank you.

İlhan Bağırgan

Director, Financial Affairs UNLU&CO

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“Once a man has found himself there is nothing in this world that he can lose. And once he has understood the humanity in himself, he will understand all human beings.”

Stefan Zweig
